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A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 14
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 13
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 12
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 10
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 11
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 8
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 7
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 6
A Cafe In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 5
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 3
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 2
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 4
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 1
Anais Nin Character Dictionary + Index
Anais Nin's The Winter of Artifice
The Major Verse Poems of Stephane Mallarmé
Collected Poems of Daisy Aldan
Anais: An International Journal
Sharon Spencer Dance of the Ariadnes
Tribute to Sharon Spencer - Allerdyce
Anais Nin: a Book of Mirrors
Dolores Brandon: in the Shadow of Madness
Copyright Information


Anaïs Nin: On Gore Vidal

Volume 10 - ISBN: 978-0-9889170-0-2



5        Kim Krizan: Gore Vidal’s Lie—How he distorted his relationship with Anaïs Nin

18      Anaïs Nin: On Meeting Gore Vidal—From Mirages: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1939-1947

39      Kathy Schultheis: Gore Vidal’s Forgotten Novel—An examination of The Season of Comfort

54      Simon Dubois Boucheraud: Bleu, Blanc, Rouge et Liberté—The patriotic poems of Anaïs Nin’s early diary (1914-1917)

75      Peter McKerrow: Louis and Bebe Barron—The birth of a new music

86      Erin Dunbar: “The Road to Sainthood Rather Than to Debauchery”—Amoral aesthetics and Anaïs Nin’s Delta of Venus

104    Steven Reigns: Bern Porter’s “Affair” With Anaïs NinFact or fancy?

109    Elizabeth Boleman-Herring: Anaïs Nin & “The Furrawn”

112    Cindy Rasicot: Pilgrimage to Louveciennes—Making peace with Anaïs Nin

116    William Claire: The Magical Mosaic of Anna Balakian

119   Joel Enos and Fiona Meng: Excerpt from “Under a Glass Bell”—A preview of the comic book version

134    Benjamin Franklin V: Duane and Me—Appreciating Duane Schneider

136    David Green and R.W. Hedges: Standing on Milos

138    Kennedy Gammage: In the Realm of the Garibaldi

140   Reviews and other items of interest: Review of Amateurs in Eden and a look at Anaïs Nin’s Lost World.

148   Index to Volumes 1-10 of A Café in Space

FRONT COVER: Anaïs Nin, 1940s

BACK COVER: Gore Vidal, 1940s


Elizabeth (Abalena Rebecca) Boleman-Herring, Publishing-Editor of, and a columnist for The Huffington Post, has recently published The Visitors’ Book (or Silva Rerum): An Erotic Fable. Her memoir, Greek Unorthodox: Bande a Part & A Farewell To Ikaros, is available through

Simon Dubois Boucheraud teaches English and American Literature at the University of Nice, France. His Ph.D thesis was entitled “Ecritures du moi, genèse et créativité: les mises en scène d’Anaïs Nin (1931-1942).” He is a member of the Parisian research group ITEM, has delivered lectures on Nin’s diary and fiction, and published several articles in France, the U.K. and the U.S.

William Claire is author of the poem “Thinking of Anaïs Nin” and was the founding editor and publisher of Voyages, an international literary journal published in Washington during the ’60s and ’70s. Anaïs Nin was a leading advisory editor and a contributor to his Publishing in the West: Alan Swallow. His books have been cited nationally, and his poems, essays and reviews have appeared in over 50 major publications. He lives in Lewes, Delaware and Naples, Florida and owns an antiquarian book and art business.

Erin Dunbar is a Ph.D. student in her third year of the English program at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Her areas of study include 19th and 20th century American, French, and British literature, with particular focus on gender, sexuality, and more specifically, deviant sexuality. She is currently researching for her dissertation on the eroticization of the ugly.

Joel Enos is a writer and editor whose work has appeared in Playboy, Wired and many other publications. Hess edited multiple novels and comic books. His Master’s thesis is a study of the fantastical and psychological themes of Anaïs Nin’s fiction and was previously excerpted in volumes 7, 8 and 9 of A Café in Space.

Benjamin Franklin V, a frequent contributor to this publication has published books about numerous American authors, including The Other John Adams, 1705-1740 (2003). His most recent book is Jazz in Retrospect (1977-1992). He is a distinguished Professor of English, Emeritus, at the University of South Carolina.

R.W. Hedges is a songwriter currently living in London, England. As well as collage art and spoof writing, he enjoys his literature and discovered Lawrence Durrell and Anaïs Nin via his reading of Henry Miller, who along with Leonard Cohen inspired his own travels in Greece.

Kennedy Gammage graduated from UC Berkeley with an English degree. He has been published in Deus Loci, The San Diego Poetry Annual and SN Review. His article “The Characters in Durrell’s Avignon Quintet appeared in volume 9 of A Café in Space.

David Green is a high school History and English teacher. He was born in Sydney, Australia in 1959 and grew up amongst boats, bush and Walter Burleigh Griffin houses in the bayside suburb of Castlecrag. He went on to obtain a Bachelor of Arts in Modern History. Since then he has been a traveler, itinerant worker, picture framer, freelance journalist and salesman before taking up teaching in 2003.

Kim Krizan is an Anaïs Nin scholar and Academy Award nominee who co-wrote the films Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. Her articles have appeared regularly in A Café in Space. Krizan’s latest venture is a playful analysis of femme fatales—including Anaïs Nin—titled Original Sins: Trade Secrets of the Femme Fatale, which will be available on Amazon in 2013.

Fawn Lau is an accomplished print and online artist and designer who has worked on multiple comics and manga projects.

Peter McKerrow, who worked in the engineering and construction sectors for 35 years, graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Sound Art and Design from the University of the Arts, London. As a composer and sound designer, his works Across The Water (1968) and Tempered Steel (2012), along with interviews with various artists have been broadcast on Resonance 104.4 FM. He lives in London, and can be reached at

Fiona Meng mixes her experience with both Eastern and Western cultures into her hybrid illustration style. She’s currently an instructor at the Academy of Art in San Francisco and is working on a graphic novel exploring the world of social media and the impact on society of online dating.

Cindy Rasicot received a B.A. in Women Studies from Sonoma State University. In 1973 she met and corresponded with Anaïs Nin. She went on to complete an M.A. in clinical psychology and worked as a marriage and family therapist for fifteen years. She is a writer and adoptive mom living in the San Francisco Bay Area. A strong proponent of international adoption, she logs on her website,

Bruce Redwine writes fiction and literary criticism. He lives in California.

Steven Reigns is a poet and educator living in Los Angeles. He organized Anaïs Nin @ 105 at the Hammer Museum in 2007. His poem “Anaïs Nin Never Bought a Car” appeared in volume 9 A Café in Space.

Kathy Schultheis wrote her dissertation on Gore Vidal while a graduate student in American literature at USC, where she studied under Jay Martin, Henry Miller’s the biographer. She is an English teacher in Oak Park, California. In her spare time, she is at work on a screenplay on the life of Shelley. She can be contacted at