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A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 14
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 13
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 12
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 10
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 11
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 8
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 7
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 6
A Cafe In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 5
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 3
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 2
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 4
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 1
Anais Nin Character Dictionary + Index
Anais Nin's The Winter of Artifice
The Major Verse Poems of Stephane Mallarmé
Collected Poems of Daisy Aldan
Anais: An International Journal
Sharon Spencer Dance of the Ariadnes
Tribute to Sharon Spencer - Allerdyce
Anais Nin: a Book of Mirrors
Dolores Brandon: in the Shadow of Madness
Copyright Information

The Winter of Artifice - ORIGINAL 1939 PARIS EDITION


ISBN: 0-9774851-1-0
Hardcover. 322 pp.

Hardcover, Cloth with Dustjacket | Shrink-wrapped

"Every research library in the country should have a copy of this book."
--Benjamin Franklin V.

**Note: this is not the same title as 'Winter of Artifice'**

The original, uncensored 1939 edition of Anais Nin’s third book and second volume of fiction is republished here for the first time anywhere. This is a limited edition hardcover with a dust jacket of 500 copies. Collectors will be interested to know that there will be an edition of 25 copies for $100 each signed and numbered by Benjamin Franklin V.

Not to be confused with other Nin books titled Winter of Artifice, which have dramatically different contents, these novellas that draw on Nin’s own experiences are occasionally so graphic in detail that the book was, according to Nin, banned in America. The depiction of the love triangle among Hans, Johanna, and the narrator in “Djuna” is the precursor of Nin’s magnificent Henry and June, the first volume of Nin’s unexpurgated diary, the movie version of which was the first film to receive the NC-17 rating.

One of the few surviving copies of The Winter of Artifice was used to produce this facsimile.