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A Cafe in Space : The Anais Nin Literary Journal


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A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 14
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 13
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 12
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 10
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 11
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 8
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 7
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 6
A Cafe In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 5
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 3
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 2
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 4
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 1
Anais Nin Character Dictionary + Index
Anais Nin's The Winter of Artifice
The Major Verse Poems of Stephane Mallarmé
Collected Poems of Daisy Aldan
Anais: An International Journal
Sharon Spencer Dance of the Ariadnes
Tribute to Sharon Spencer - Allerdyce
Anais Nin: a Book of Mirrors
Dolores Brandon: in the Shadow of Madness
Copyright Information


Volume 1 - ISBN: 0-9652364-8-X



Aeryn Seto: True to Character
Janet Fitch: No Women Writers—My introduction to Anais Nin
Lynette Felber: A Heated Correspondence—Anais Nin and Rebecca West on writers’ community
Kazuko Sugisaki: Translating Anais Nin’s Incest into Japanese
Daisy Aldan: Flight
Paul Herron: An Afternoon with Joaquín Nin-Culmell
Benjamin Joplin: A Problem to be Solved—Deleuzian becoming and Anais Nin’s dream of “what ought to be”
Karin Finell: Anais Remembered
Thomas March: Keeping the Diary—The art of reflection in a solipsistic age
Anais Nin: Mirage—From the unpublished diary
Toyoko Yamamoto: Examining Anais Nin no Shôjo Jidai
Claudine Brelet: Villa Seurat and Parc Montsouris
Diane Allerdyce: Photograph—For Sharon Spencer
Yuko Yaguchi: Twittering Machine of Paradise—Glimpses of two of Anais Nin’s Japanese daughters
Philip K. Jason: Adventures in the Nin Trade
Benjamin Franklin V: Passing the Torch—The need for bibliographical updating of Anais Nin’s work
Shyamal Bagchee: thinking homes
Dudley Levenson: Appreciating Gunther Stuhlmann
Travels and excursions: Revisiting Anais Nin’s France—Neuilly-sur-Seine and Louveciennes
Book reviews and multimedia: Anais Nin’s Narratives; Seduction: A Portrait of Anais Nin; a look at Literary Liaisons; video, audio, and Internet


DAISY ALDAN (1918-2001) was a poet and translator whose career spanned nearly seven decades. With her Folder Editions, she published not only her own work, but that of Ginsberg, Rexroth, and Kerouac. Her translations of poet Stéphane Mallarmé are among the most respected in the world.

DIANE ALLERDYCE is author of Anais Nin and the Remaking of Self. She has written several articles on Anais Nin, some of which have appeared in ANAIS: An International Journal, Anais Nin’s Narratives, and Anais Nin: A Book of Mirrors.

SHYAMAL BAGCHEE is currently working on his poetry collection Gabardine and Other Poems, from which his contribution is taken. He has actively pursued the study of T.S. Eliot and teaches at the University of Alberta.

CLAUDINE BRELET is a social scientist in France and currently works for UNESCO. Her most recent of many publications is Medicins du Monde.

LYNETTE FELBER is Professor of English at Indiana University-Purdue. She is the author of Gender and Genre in Novels Without End: The British Roman Fleuve (1995), and recently published Literary Liaisons: Auto/biographical Appropriations in Modernist Women’s Writing (2002).

KARIN FINELL is a writer and teaches a course “Writing Your Pain” at Santa Barbara Community College. She is currently at work on her memoirs of World War II as seen from the perspective of a German-born child.

JANET FITCH is the author of the highly successful novel White Oleander. She is the recipient of the 2001 Moseley Fellowship in Creative Writing at Pomona College, Clairmont. She was the keynote speaker at the Anais Nin: A Writer, A Life in Santa Barbara in April 2003.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN V was the co-founder of Under the Sign of Pisces and editor of the anthology Recollections of Anais Nin by her Contemporaries (1996).

PHILIP K. JASON edited the Anais Nin Reader in 1973, Anais Nin and Her Critics in 1993, and The Critical Response to Anais Nin in 1996. Many of his numerous articles regarding Nin appear in ANAIS: An International Journal.

BENJAMIN JOPLIN is a PhD candidate at the University of Buffalo, New York, where he is finishing a dissertation on women experimental writers. Several of his articles on Anais Nin can be found in ANAIS: An International Journal.

JANE EBLEN KELLER is Professional Writer in Residence at Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arts, University of Baltimore. She has written numerous articles on Anais Nin and Lawrence Durrell, some of which have appeared in Deus Loci, ANAIS: An International Journal, and Anais Nin: A Book of Mirrors.

DUDLEY LEVENSON is a photographer, lecturer, artist, and incurable collector of art and handicraft, which is exhibited around America and at his Inspired Planet gallery in Lenox, Massachusetts.

THOMAS MARCH lives in New York City, where he teaches at New York University, the New School University, and the Brearley School. He was a frequent contributor to ANAIS: An International Journal.

AERYN SETO is a graduate of UC Berkeley and has received numerous literary grants and awards for her research and creative writing. She currently lives in San Francisco, where among other things, she leads poetry workshops for incarcerated women.

KAZUKO SUGISAKI received her PhD from Occidental College in Los Angeles. She has taught at California State Northbridge, and in Japan at Obirin College, Meijo University, and Gifu University. She is the highly respected translator of Nin works such as Delta of Venus, Little Birds, and Henry and June, and is currently finishing her translation of Incest for the Japanese market.

YUKO YAGUCHI received the 1996 International Award of Women’s Studies for Young Scholars for her study “Anais Nin: Another Woman Not in the Novels”. Her new essay “A Spy in the House of Sexuality: Rereading Anais Nin through Henry and June” will appear in the fall issue of Studies in English Literature by the English Literary Society of Japan.

TOYOKO YAMAMOTO is currently an MA candidate in English at Boston College and has published several articles on Anais Nin both in English and Japanese. She has translated Nin’s In Favor of the Sensitive Man into Japanese, which was published in the series entitled The Anais Nin Collection.

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