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A Cafe in Space : The Anais Nin Literary Journal


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A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 14
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 13
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 12
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 10
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 11
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 8
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 7
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 6
A Cafe In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 5
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 3
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 2
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 4
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 1
Anais Nin Character Dictionary + Index
Anais Nin's The Winter of Artifice
The Major Verse Poems of Stephane Mallarmé
Collected Poems of Daisy Aldan
Anais: An International Journal
Sharon Spencer Dance of the Ariadnes
Tribute to Sharon Spencer - Allerdyce
Anais Nin: a Book of Mirrors
Dolores Brandon: in the Shadow of Madness
Copyright Information



Volume 4 -
ISBN: 0-9774851-2-9



Heather Darcy: Rupert Pole: Anais Nin’s Mystery Lover
Rupert Pole and John Ferrone: The Making of Henry and June, the Book—Correspondence 1985-1986
Yuko Yaguchi: A Spy in the House of Sexuality—Rereading Anais Nin through Henry and June
Sarah King: Her Own MuseThe original portrait of Nin and Miller
Nancy Gobatto: Anais Nin and Feminism—An overview
Peter G. Christensen:An Overenthusiastic Response—Lawrence Durrell’s interpretation of Georg Groddeck
Anais Nin, Alan Swallow, Gunther Stuhlmann: The Uncanniness of Being Right—Correspondence 1961-1966
Benjamin Franklin V: Paul Swan and Joaquín Nin-Culmell—An artistic connection
Morton Traub: Transplay
Reviews and other items of interest: Review of the play Anais Nin: One of Her Lives, The Unspeakable, by Denise Brown, and a brief look at other new publications


PETER G. CHRISTENSEN is Associate Professor of English at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, WI. He received his Ph. D. in Comparative Literature from SUNY-Binghamton in 1979. He has published several articles on Lawrence Durrell, as well as essays on D.H. Lawrence, Yeats, Rebecca West, Naomi Mitchison, and other modern writers. He also has forthcoming articles on George Moore and Graham Greene.

HEATHER DARCY is a writer and poet living outside of Boston, who, as did many Nin fans and scholars, made the acquaintance of Rupert Pole.

JOHN FERRONE is a former editor from Harcourt who worked on such Nin publications as Delta of Venus, Little Birds, and The Diary of Anais Nin. He was instrumental in the editing of Henry and June, and his correspondence with Rupert Pole reflects the issues they both faced in producing the first of Nin’s unexpurgated works.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN V has been writing about Anais Nin since the 1960s. Among his books are Anais Nin: A Bibliography (1973), Anais Nin: An Introduction (with Duane Schneider, 1979), and Recollections of Anais Nin (1996). He has just completed an index of Nin’s fictional characters and spearheaded the first American publication of the Paris edition of The Winter of Artifice (1939), both due out this year.

NANCY GOBATTO teaches Women’s Studies and English at the University of Windsor in Ontario, Canada. Her review of Anais Nin: Fictionality and Femininity, Playing a Thousand Roles by Helen Tookey appears in Volume 2 of this publication.

SARAH KING received her Master of Arts degree in English from West Texas A&M University. Like her contribution to Volume 1, “A Literary Abortion—The recreation of Anais Nin,” her current article is culled from her award-winning thesis “The Birth of the Real Me: Anais Nin’s Search for the self in Relationships.”

RUPERT POLE (1919-2006) was Anais Nin’s “West Coast husband” and the Trustee of the Anais Nin Trust from the time of Nin’s death until his own. He devoted many years to the publication and promotion of Nin’s work and was the mastermind behind the not only the Early Diary of Anais Nin, of which there were four volumes, but also The Journal of Love series from the unexpurgated diaries covering the period from 1931 to 1939. His correspondence with John Ferrone, which is highlighted in this issue, concerns the publication of the first of these unexpurgated volumes, Henry and June, and reveals the depth of passion he had for getting and keeping Nin’s work in print.

GUNTHER STUHLMANN (1927-2002) was Anais Nin’s literary agent from 1957 and represented the Anais Nin Trust until his death in 2002. He assisted with the editing of The Diary of Anais Nin and edited ANAIS: An International Journal for nineteen years. He was an avid collector and student of African art. Some of his articles on this topic appeared in The Artful Mind, an art magazine published in Massachusetts.

ALAN SWALLOW (1915-1966) was a poet whose Swallow Press, operated out of his Denver home, became one of the most highly respected “small presses” of its time, publishing regional works as well as the avant-garde. Swallow’s correspondence with Anais Nin during the time he published her work in the 1960s, featured in this issue, reveals the details of the reorganization of Nin’s fiction into the form it takes today and gives us a glimpse of the dawning of Nin’s fame when her first Diary was published just before his death.

MORTON TRAUB is a poet, writer, and collector of dreams from Santa Rosa, California.

YUKO YAGUCHI is Associate Professor of English and Gender Studies at Niigata University of International and Information Studies, currently engaged in the Japanese translation of the Paris edition of The Winter of Artifice. Her contribution is the translated and revised version of a paper submitted to a major academic journal in Japan some years ago (Studies in English Literature by the English Literary Society of Japan). Her article “Twittering Machine of Paradise—Glimpses of two of Anais Nin’s Japanese daughters” appeared in Volume 1 of this publication.

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