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A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 14
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 13
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 12
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 10
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 11
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 8
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 7
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 6
A Cafe In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 5
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 3
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 2
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 4
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 1
Anais Nin Character Dictionary + Index
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Collected Poems of Daisy Aldan
Anais: An International Journal
Sharon Spencer Dance of the Ariadnes
Tribute to Sharon Spencer - Allerdyce
Anais Nin: a Book of Mirrors
Dolores Brandon: in the Shadow of Madness
Copyright Information


Anaïs Nin: "A Web of Lies": Letters to Rupert Pole, 1950-51

 Volume 9 - ISBN: 978-0-9774851-9-2



5        Hugh Guiler: Emotional Liberation—A letter to Anaïs Nin, 1976 

7        Kim Krizan: Anaïs Nin: “Typical American Wife”—Life with Rupert Pole, 1953 

19     Simon Dubois Boucheraud: “The Real Journal is the Unreal One”—The guile of Anaïs Nin’s fake diary (1932)

38     Dalia Berg: Perspectives on Anaïs Nin—The diary, fiction, performance, and contemporaneity 

46     Joel Enos: Contradicting the Dream—Lillian’s journey through Seduction of the Minotaur

65     Anita Jarczok: Anaïs Nin and the Business of Reviewing—And management of her public persona 1966-1977

82     Anaïs Nin: The Tree and the Pillar—From the unpublished diary, 1950-51

102   Anaïs Nin: “A Web of Lies”—Letters to Rupert Pole, 1950-51

115   Richard Gaffield-Knight: Antonin Artaud in Theory, Process, and Praxis—Or, for fun and prophet

136   Kennedy Gammage: The Characters in Durrell’s Avignon QuintetReal or imaginary—or both?

145   Leah Schweitzer: creating ourselves

146   Nancy Shiffrin: Birth

148   Marc Widershien: 3 poems

151   Steven Reigns: Anaïs Nin Never Bought a Car

153   Colette Standish: Anticipation

154   Reviews and other items of interest: Reviews of The Secret Violence of Henry Miller and Anaïs Nin Reads House of Incest.

FRONT COVER: Rupert Pole, 1953

BACK COVER: Anaïs Nin and Rupert Pole, 1950s

Notes on Contributors

Dahlia Berg is a self-taught write based on the French Riviera. She is currently working on an essay titled “Anaïs Nin: an unprofessional study,” to be published in French in 2013. Her main areas of interest are self-fiction and views by women in contemporary literature and art. In a previous life and under another name, she was a performance and mixed-media artist.

Simon Dubois Boucheraud teaches American Literature at the University of Montpellier. His Ph.D thesis, “Ecritures du moi, genèse et créativité: les mises en scènes d’Anaïs Nin (1931-1942),” focuses mainly on the manuscripts held at UCLA but also considers the genesis of Nin’s fiction. He has delivered lectures on Nin’s diary and fiction and is the author of articles published in France and the U.K.

Joel Enos is a writer and editor whose work has appeared in Wired, Playboy and many other publications. He's edited multiple novels and comic books. His Master’s thesis is a study of the fantastical and psychological themes in Anaïs Nin’s fiction and was previously excerpted in Volumes 7 and 8 of A Café in Space.

Richard Gaffield-Knight, M.A., as a theater producer, director, playwright, actor and teacher, worked Off-Broadway and Regional Theater in Chicago, New York and Ontario from 1964 until 1994. His work as director includes James Baldwin’s Blues for Mister Charlie and Richard Wright’s Native Son. He is currently working on the revival of Behold! Cometh the Vanderkellans. The writings and work of Antonin Artaud have inspired him for many years.

Kennedy Gammage has an English degree from U.C. Berkeley. He resides in San Diego. He has been published in Deus Loci, The San Diego Poetry Annual and SN Review.

Anita Jarczok has been recently awarded a Ph.D at the University of Limerick. Her thesis entitled Inventing Anais Nin: Celebrity Authorship and the Creation of an Icon has been devoted to the analysis of Nin’s public persona.

Dawn Kaczmar is an English graduate student at Oakland University. Her short story, "A Tragicomic Fact," appeared in A Cafe in Space, Vol. 8, and her essay, "Irigaray and Nin Through the Looking Glass—Mimetic re-appropriation of the masculine discourse," appeared in A Cafe in Space, Vol. 7.

Kim Krizan is the Academy Award-nominated writer of the films Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. Her Master’s thesis, “Anais Nin and the Psychology of Creativity,” was published in ANAIS: An International Journal. Krizan's three-instalment comic “Zombie Tales: 2061” and her contribution to the CBGBs compilation were recently published by Boom! Studios. Krizan teaches creative writing and screenwriting for UCLA Extension.

Steven Reigns is a poet and educator living in Los Angeles. He organized Anais Nin @ 105 at the Hammer Museum in 2007.

Nancy Shiffrin earned her MA studying with Anais Nin. Her collection of love poems Game with Variations is now available at

Leah Schweitzer, with the encouragement of Anais Nin, has been conducting workshops in journal writing and creative writing since 1976.  She is the co-editor of the poetry anthology Without a Single Answer [Judah Magnes Museum Press, 1990], and has participated in readings, conferences and programs at numerous venues. Her work appears in Journal of the Otto Rank Association, Crosscurrents, and many others. She considers her time as a student of Anais Nin to be among the defining moments in her writing and teaching life.

Colette Standish is a painter and photographer who trained at St. Martins School of Art, London. Colette is currently working on a new painting project, Abstracting the Figure, and a new art and poetry book, Love letter to Paris. Colette is currently based in San Francisco.

Marc Widershien lives in Maine, and is at work on two new books: Maine—A Journeyman's Book, and The Carole Poems. He is a freelance writer, teacher, and musician who ran a successful poetry venue in Boston for over five years and was a regular on The Jordan Rich Show, WBZ Radio, Boston. He can be reached at