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A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 14
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 13
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 12
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 10
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 11
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 8
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 7
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 6
A Cafe In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 5
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 3
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 2
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 4
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 1
Anais Nin Character Dictionary + Index
Anais Nin's The Winter of Artifice
The Major Verse Poems of Stephane Mallarmé
Collected Poems of Daisy Aldan
Anais: An International Journal
Sharon Spencer Dance of the Ariadnes
Tribute to Sharon Spencer - Allerdyce
Anais Nin: a Book of Mirrors
Dolores Brandon: in the Shadow of Madness
Copyright Information


Anaïs Nin: On Gore Vidal

Volume 12 - ISBN: 978-0-9889170-0-2



5        Kim Krizan: Political Nin—Ruminations on JFK’s assassination

13      Anaïs Nin: Come As Your Madness—From Trapeze: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1947-1955

21      Paul Herron: Spy Odyssey—The convoluted publication of A Spy in the House of Love

42     Katja Holmes: Birth of the Artist—Creation vs. procreation in Anaïs Nin’s diaries of the 1930s

59     Anne Pulis-Tappouni: Shattering the Mirror—Subjective reality in Ladders to Fire

73      Simon Dubois Boucheraud: Image Binaire/Imaginaire—Anaïs Nin’s Mediterranean (1914-1939)

78     Joel Enos and Angela Enos: Practical Enchantment—Depictions of the artist’s model in Anaïs Nin’s fiction

92     Sophie Taam: Awakening—The men in Anaïs Nin’s early life

100    Nabil Abdel-Al: The Humor of Gerald and Lawrence Durrell—A look at “Marrying Off Mother”

110    Yuko Yaguchi: Louveciennes, Summer 2014

113    Diana Raab: pick up

114    Marc Widershien: poems

116    Kennedy Gammage: poems

118    Colette Standish: Surreal Silhouette

119    Reviews and other items of interest

FRONT COVER: Anaïs Nin, 1963. Photo: Christian du Bois Larson.

BACK COVER: Anaïs Nin and Rupert Pole, 1953.

Nabil Abdel-Al, Ph.D., is a university lecturer, public speaker, writer, translator and currently, a United Nations Senior Interpreter. He is a member of the International Lawrence Durrell Society in the USA and a life member of the Marlowe Society in London. He translated E. M. Forster’s Pharos and Pharllon into Arabic, which has been serialized in the Faculty of Al-Alsun’s translation publication. He lives in New York with his wife and children.

Britt Arenander is a Swedish writer and literary translator, having among other things translated Anaïs Nin’s Diary (6 volumes) into Swedish and written a book about Nin’s time in Paris: Anaïs Nin’s Lost World: Paris in Words and Pictures 1924-1939, published as an English-language e-book (Sky Blue Press, 2012).

John W. Bagnole is Senior Lecturer, Emeritus, at Ohio University. He has published several essays and articles on Henry Miller and is writing a fictionalized account of his Peace Corps days in the Ivory Coast. He lived and worked overseas for sixteen years in Africa and the Middle East. He lives in Savannah.

Simon Dubois Boucheraud, a frequent contributor to this publication, teaches English and American Literature at the University of Nice, France. He did his thesis on Anaïs Nin and has lectured and written about her in several venues. He is currently working on a French translation of Nancy Cunard’s “Negro Anthology.”

Angela Enos is a Chicago-based costume designer, artist and performer who has also published fiction in Flapperhouse. Her theatre work has been seen from Georgia to California to Detroit. Her designs were featured at the 2011 Prague Quadrennial and she is a frequent guest artist at universities.

Joel Enos has published in Wired and Playboy. His short fiction has appeared in Flapperhouse and he’s edited multiple novels and comic books. His Master’s thesis is a study of surreal themes in Anaïs Nin’s fiction. He’s a frequent contributor to A Café in Space, most recently writing the graphic novel version of “Under a Glass Bell” in Volume 10.

Benjamin Franklin V is Distinguished Professor of English, Emeritus, at the University of South Carolina. His most recent book is The Portable Anaïs Nin (2011); An Encyclopedia of South Carolina Jazz and Blues Musicians is forthcoming.

Kennedy Gammage has an English degree from U.C. Berkeley and resides in San Diego. He has been published in A Café in Space, SN Review, Deus Loci and The San Diego Poetry Annual.

Katja Holmes has a Master’s degree in English from the University of South Carolina and her contribution to this issue is drawn from her thesis, “Fertility, Contraception, and Abortion and the Partnership of Henry Miller and Anaïs Nin.” She lives in Singapore where she teaches literature.

Kim Krizan is an Oscar-nominated writer whose work includes the films “Before Sunrise” and “Before Sunset.” She wrote her Master’s thesis on the psychology of Anaïs Nin’s creativity and recently served as a Nin archivist. Her book Original Sins: Trade Secrets of the Femme Fatale examines the lives and habits of history’s “most dangerous” women and is available on Amazon. Krizan contributes regularly to A Café in Space.

Anne Pulis-Tappouni has a Ph.D. in English from the University of Missouri-Columbia, with emphases in Modernism and psychoanalytic theory. She first became an admirer of Anaïs Nin while studying as an undergraduate in Paris, and eventually wrote her master’s thesis, “In the Path of Becoming: Anaïs Nin’s artistic development and search for feminine identity,” in 1994. She taught literature, writing and film at the University of Missouri and the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, and has appeared in the Ezra Pound Encyclopedia. She currently lives in Los Angeles.

Diana Raab, Ph.D. is an award-winning memoirist, poet, and blogger, transpersonal psychologist, and author of eight books. She has taken an enormous amount of inspiration from Anaïs Nin, as portrayed in her book, Dear Anaïs: My Life in Poems for You. She is an advocate of writing for transformation and empowerment and teaches workshops world-wide. She’s a regular blogger for Psychology Today, Huffington Post (Huff50), and BrainSpeak.

Colette Standish is a painter, photographer and illustrator. Colette recently collaborated with poet Simon Ore and the Bob Ore Gallery in West Hollywood on a young adult art and poetry book, A Star in the Jar. Colette is currently working on “Iris,” a photo montage project based on first impressions. A former St. Martins School of Art student, Colette lives and works in San Francisco.

Sophie Taam is a French self-taught writer, translator and ex-publisher. She lived for some time in Los Angeles before moving to Nice, France, where she now resides. She has written two self-fiction novels, a biography of Anaïs Nin as well as several articles about various subjects in international journals and magazines, on art, performance, and Nin. She also practices performance art and singing as a dilettante.

Marc Widershien is a poet and freelance writer who lives in Maine and has contributed poetry to volumes 6, 7 and 9. His new collection, Maine: A Journeyman’s Book, is available from Poplar Editions, Springvale, Maine.

Yuko Yaguchi is Professor of English and Gender Studies at Niigata University of International and Information Studies, and Visiting Professor at the American University of Paris. She is currently co-translating Anaïs Nin’s diaries into Japanese with Kazuko Sugisaki. She will be Visiting Professor at Hunter College of the City University of New York from March through September 2015.