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A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 14
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 13
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 12
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 10
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 11
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 8
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 7
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 6
A Cafe In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 5
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 3
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 2
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 4
A Café In Space: The Anais Nin Literary Journal 1
Anais Nin Character Dictionary + Index
Anais Nin's The Winter of Artifice
The Major Verse Poems of Stephane Mallarmé
Collected Poems of Daisy Aldan
Anais: An International Journal
Sharon Spencer Dance of the Ariadnes
Tribute to Sharon Spencer - Allerdyce
Anais Nin: a Book of Mirrors
Dolores Brandon: in the Shadow of Madness
Copyright Information


Volume 14 2017

ISBN: 9780-9987246-1-4



Edited by Paul Herron

1 Paul Herron: Introduction to Auletris: Erotica

7 Anaïs Nin: “Life in Provincetown”—An excerpt from Auletris: Erotica

15 Kazim Ali: Painting—from Anaïs Nin: An Unprofessional Study

23 Kastoori Barua: Hysteria, Creativity and Identity—Anaïs Nin’s quest for the self

36 Jean Owen: The Sting of Incest—Kathryn Harrison’s father-romance in The Kiss

49 Eduardo Sánchez, Joaquín Nin-Culmell, Anaïs Nin: The problem of family in The Diary of Anaïs Nin

66 Simon Dubois Boucharraud: Anaïs Nin and the Visual Poetry of “Trance Films” (1945-1965)

76 Jessica Gilbey: Navel-Gazing into the Light

79 Casandra Lim: Is That Oedipus in Anaïs Nin’s Diaries?—Understanding Nin’s work through Sigmund Freud’s theory

85 David Green: Out in the Midi Sun—Adventures in Lawrence Durrell country

96 Tristine Rainer: Remembering John Ferrone

98 Lana Fox: L’Étalion—Erotica inspired by Anaïs Nin’s Auletris

105 Danica Davidson: Another Birth: A Story

107 Chrissi Sepe: Caramel Macchiatos and Conversation

110 Katie Doherty: Sky Bound

113 Steven Reigns: Poverty

114 David Wilde: Duggans: I

116 Kennedy Gammage: The Apotheosis of Fat 1 and Fat 2

120 Changming Yuan: Poems

121 Harry Kiakis: The Room of Forgetfulness

122 Items of Interest

128 Notes on Contributors


Notes on Contributors

Kazim Ali’s books include poetry, fiction, essay, and hybrid form. He has translated books by Sohrab Sepehri, Ananda Devi and Marguerite Duras.

Kastoori Barua holds a Masters degree in English Literature from the University of Delhi. Her other interests include painting with various art media and watching Animé for its narrative and visual wonders. She lives in New Delhi, India

Simon Dubois Boucheraud, a frequent contributor to these pages, teaches English and American Literature at the University of Nice, France. He did his thesis on Anaïs Nin and has lectured and written about her in several venues. He is currently working on a translation of Nancy Cunard’s “Negro Anthology” and was recently hired to translate the libretto of Leonard Bernstein’s “Wonderful Town.”

Danica Davidson is a professional novelist and journalist who has been an avid Nin reader since high school. She’s the author of the children’s adventure novels Escape from the Overworld and Attack on the Overworld. Her art guide Manga Art for Beginners will be released in March and her children's novels The Rise of Herobrine and Down Into the Nether will be released in April and June, respectively.

Katie Doherty is a bibliophile, storyteller, blogger and poet. She studied film at University, is a bit of a hermit and an avid collector of weird objects. She cites Anaïs Nin as her inspiration for writing fiction again.

Lana Fox is co-founder of Go Deeper Press. Her erotic books include Cathedral of Furs: Ardent Erotica Inspired by Anaïs Nin, The Castle of Depravity series, and the Amazon best-selling Cream: An Erotic Romance. She lives in Northampton, MA, with her partner Jacob Tavares. Find her online at or, or follow her on Twitter: @foxlana.

Kennedy Gammage majored in English at U.C. Berkeley. He resides in San Diego, and his personal website is He has been published in A Café in Space, SN Review, Deus Loci, and The San Diego Poetry Annual.

Jessica Gilbey was awarded a PhD for her thesis titled A mother (A)Rosa: Anaïs Nin and Reconceiving Subjective Birth in 2016. She is an enthusiastic Australian wordsmithstress and her blog Poetrianais: Milky Wor(l)ds & Wishes Whirled can be found at Jessica possesses an endless appetite for all things poetic, feminine, and salacious. You can connect with her on Twitter @Poetrianais.

Harry Kiakis joined the Army at age 17 and served in Korea and Japan. He went on to graduate from Brown University. He and his wife Connie got to know Henry Miller. Kiakis kept a candid journal of the times they spent with Miller, at one point living in his home while Miller was in France for the Summer. His Journal was recently published: Henry Miller in Pacific Palisades.

Casandra Lim received her B.A. in English and Political Science from the University of Connecticut and her J.D. from the University of Connecticut School of Law, where she was a member of the Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal. She is licensed to practice law in Connecticut and Florida. She lives in Connecticut where she works full-time at an insurance company and part-time as an Adjunct Professor of English at Goodwin College.

Jean Owen obtained her PhD in 2013. She is now a freelance researcher and writer based in London. Jean’s interests lie in feminist theory, incest studies, psychoanalysis, anthropology, narrative traditions, and first-person writing. She has published articles on Anaïs Nin and Kathryn Harrison and is currently writing a book on daughter-led incest narratives. She is also working on a novel titled Salt.

Richard Pine is the author of Lawrence Durrell: the Mindscape and of works on Oscar Wilde, Brian Friel, post-colonial literature, music and broadcasting. His most recent book is Greece Through Irish Eyes (2015). He is a guest lecturer at the Ionian University in Corfu, a regular columnist on Greek affairs for The Irish Times, an obituarist for The Guardian and writes programme-notes for the National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland. He is currently working on “Minor Mythologies: a student’ s guide to popular literature and film,” to be published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing in 2018.

Tristine Rainer was a friend of Anaïs Nin who co-taught a writing class with her for International College. She is author of The New Diary (1978) and Your Life as Story (1998). Rainer’s TV movies include Games Mother Never Taught You (CBS), Having It All (ABC), Secrets of a Married Man (NBC) and Forbidden Nights (CBS). She is currently Director of the nonprofit Center for Autobiographic Studies (

Steven Reigns is a Los Angeles-based poet, educator, and was appointed the first City Poet of West Hollywood. Alongside over a dozen chapbooks, he has published the collections Inheritance and Your Dead Body is My Welcome Mat. He holds a BA in Creative Writing from the University of South Florida, a Master of Clinical Psychology from Antioch University, and is a ten-time recipient of Los Angeles City's Department of Cultural Affairs' Artist in Residency Grant program. He edited My Life is Poetry, featuring his students in the first-ever autobiographical poetry workshop for LGBT seniors, and has taught writing workshops around the country to LGBT youth and people living with HIV. Visit him at

Chrissi Sepe is a novelist and musician who has studied writing and music in Canada and Boston, Massachusetts. She has published two literary novels, Iggy Gorgess and Bliss, Bliss, Bliss. Her essay Anaïs Nin's Diary—A Recipe For Immortality appears in volume 13 of A Cafe In Space. She currently lives in New York City and is working on her fourth novel in addition to flash fiction short stories.

Colette Standish is an English painter and photographer and a graduate from St Martin’s School of Art, London UK. Colette has exhibited extensively throughout Europe and America. Her achievements include: Black and White Spider Photography Award, Hollywood, California 2016, Jessop’s Photography Prize in London, 2000 and fellowship awards in New Mexico, Italy, and Spain. Her work is in many public and private collections, including the Museum of Fine Art in Santa Fe and the Anaïs Nin Foundation Art Collection. Colette published her first art and poetry book in 2010, Viaggio: A Journey through Life. Colette is a frequent contributor to this publication. In 2016, she won a competition to exhibited at Art Basel in Miami and is now represented by the Art Box Gallery, Zug, Switzerland. Colette is currently working on a new project, “Anaïs through the Looking Glass,” and a project on the homeless.

David Wilde is a Pushcart Award nominee for his poem “The Train” (volume 13 of this publication). Originally from the Rhondda Valleys of South Wales, he has been a resident of New Mexico since 1984 and an independent scholar at University of New Mexico. In 1993 a postcard from Lawrence Ferlinghetti stated: “Dear Wilde. You are quite mad or a genius in the wild.” He is currently working on a biography of his uncle, artist Alfred Charles Slawson. Influences include Lawrence Durrell, Henry Miller and Anaïs Nin. He has been translated extensively in Portuguese and Spanish.

Changming Yuan, 9-time Pushcart nominee and author of 7 chapbooks, started to learn English at age 19 and published monographs on translation before moving out of China. Currently, Changming edits Poetry Pacific with Allen Yuan in Vancouver, and has poetry appearing in Best Canadian Poetry, BestNewPoemsOnline, Threepenny Review and 1209 others across 38 countries.